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Ada and Xavira won the Grand Prize for Pioneers 2071 : Questioning the Next 50 Years

From February 3-7 2021, our undergraduate research assistants Ada and Xaviera took part in KAIST’s 50th anniversary policy conference, titled Pioneers 2071: Questioning the Next 50 Years. Their team, Goose Brain, won the overall Grand Prize after devising policies and defending their proposals through multiple debates.

The conference was conducted in three divisions, focusing on policies for the environment, pollution and climate change, healthcare and future pandemics, and education, economics, and AI. Each division was provided a scenario requiring significant policy changes, set in a hypothetical future world. Team Goose Brain worked on the third scenario, proposing policies to combat hyper-competition and inequality in education and the job market in a world where AI has taken over most of the workforce.

After submitting a detailed written solution, the team participated in debates during which professors, opposing teams, and the conference MCs were given the opportunity to question the implications and suitability of each policy for the intended purposes. The debates, which were run online, were streamed live on YouTube for viewers around the world. Viewer votes, participating peer scores, and the scores from attending professors and MCs were combined to reach a final team score; Goose Brain achieved the Grand Prize.

Ada and Xaviera were very proud and happy with their hard work during the conference, as another opportunity to put into practice policy making skills.

2021년 2월 3일부터 7일까지 진행된 KAIST 창립 50주년 정책 공모전 <Pioneers 2071 : Questioning the Next 50 Years >에 학부 연구 조교인 Ada와 Xaviera가 Goose Brain 팀으로 참여했습니다. AI의 영향력이 커진 미래 사회에 교육 및 고용시장의 초경쟁과 불평등을 해소하기 위한 정책을 제안하며, 대상을 받았습니다. Goose Brain팀 모두 축하합니다! 더 자세한 내용은 링크를 통해 확인할 수 있습니다.

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